Thursday, May 8, 2008

2298 East 29th Avenue
Vancouver BC
May 8, 2008

The Metropolis Daily Mirror
P.O. Box 659
Metropolis City , PA 02203

Dear Editor:
I agree with Freyer's project.
Certainly, he used an usual way to comunicate with people and travel .
However,he just sold his belongings legally.
In this way, he and his costomer could be satisfied each other.
He could get money, his costomer could get stuffs they really wanted.
Also, he cherished a memory of his belongings.
He didn't waste his stuffs.
It would make many people who read his article think about the way to buy and sell stuffs again.
It could cause a great sensation.
For these reason, I agree with him.
I hope people like him would increace all over the world.

Sincerely yours,
Jun Miyazono

1 comment:

Naomi said...

I agree with your idea that it is a valuable thing to make people think about the way they buy things and hold onto them. But what about the people who got his old junk? Were they thinking carefully about the stuff they let into their lives? What do you think?