Thursday, May 22, 2008

I really like Japanese movie called Tegami (means letter).
It was made in 200?.

There are 2 brothers in the movie.They don't have parents.And ,they are so poor.
The old brother can't go to the school and works.
They,however, are happy and like each other.
One day, the old brother kills an old woman to get money since he wants to his brother to go to the school.While he is in the jail,they send many letters each other. But ...

The movie is so sad that many people can't help crying. I think the original book would be better than the movie. The music in this movie ,however, is awesome.
Also,actors are so good.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Jun Miyazono
296 33rd Avenue
Vancouver , BC 010101
May 12 , 2008

Mr.Bob Trimm , Personnel Manager
Art Ambassadors Internathinal
587 Lilly Road

Dear Mr. Trimm:

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for an Art Ambassadors ,which appeared in the Metro Newspaper,May 1. As you can see from my enclosed resume , my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements.

My major at university is international culture as you can see. I learned not only some foreign languages , also arts including music,paintings, clothes and so on.

During my school life , I worked for some companies. Especially, I worked as a tutor so I have enough skill to teach someone .

I look forward

Thursday, May 8, 2008

2298 East 29th Avenue
Vancouver BC
May 8, 2008

The Metropolis Daily Mirror
P.O. Box 659
Metropolis City , PA 02203

Dear Editor:
I agree with Freyer's project.
Certainly, he used an usual way to comunicate with people and travel .
However,he just sold his belongings legally.
In this way, he and his costomer could be satisfied each other.
He could get money, his costomer could get stuffs they really wanted.
Also, he cherished a memory of his belongings.
He didn't waste his stuffs.
It would make many people who read his article think about the way to buy and sell stuffs again.
It could cause a great sensation.
For these reason, I agree with him.
I hope people like him would increace all over the world.

Sincerely yours,
Jun Miyazono