Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nelson Mandela is one of the most renowned politicians in the world. He was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 because of his great achievement.

Mandela was born in Qunu, South Africa in 1918. His family consists of his parents ,three sisters , and himself. He studied law in a mission college. In 1942, he joined in African National Congress(ANC).The goal was to end the unjust system of apartheid in South Africa .While he belonged to ANC,he changed positions,from Youth League Secretary(1947) to Deputy Head of ANC(1952).

However, he was sentenced to his life term of anti-government activities Then, he went to jail. After 27 years , he was released in 1990. The following year, he finally became President of ANC.

The fact he was behind bars is sad since things he did were right and meaningful. He really contributed to the prohibition of discrimination against Black people, not only in South Africa ,but all over the world.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jun Miyazono--Fukuoka,Japan:

Especially,when children are junior high or high school students,they like to do bad things even though they know they are really bad.
That's why they smoke, fight,and bully students who are weaker than them.

In fact,the institution of education has been thinking about a solution to bullying.
However, still, they haven't been able to solve thins problem .

I think that the only thing we can do is just make teachers pay attention to their students more.
In a daily life,teachers should try to make good atmosphere in order that students can ask teachers for help easily.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I really like Japanese movie called Tegami (means letter).
It was made in 200?.

There are 2 brothers in the movie.They don't have parents.And ,they are so poor.
The old brother can't go to the school and works.
They,however, are happy and like each other.
One day, the old brother kills an old woman to get money since he wants to his brother to go to the school.While he is in the jail,they send many letters each other. But ...

The movie is so sad that many people can't help crying. I think the original book would be better than the movie. The music in this movie ,however, is awesome.
Also,actors are so good.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Jun Miyazono
296 33rd Avenue
Vancouver , BC 010101
May 12 , 2008

Mr.Bob Trimm , Personnel Manager
Art Ambassadors Internathinal
587 Lilly Road

Dear Mr. Trimm:

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for an Art Ambassadors ,which appeared in the Metro Newspaper,May 1. As you can see from my enclosed resume , my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements.

My major at university is international culture as you can see. I learned not only some foreign languages , also arts including music,paintings, clothes and so on.

During my school life , I worked for some companies. Especially, I worked as a tutor so I have enough skill to teach someone .

I look forward

Thursday, May 8, 2008

2298 East 29th Avenue
Vancouver BC
May 8, 2008

The Metropolis Daily Mirror
P.O. Box 659
Metropolis City , PA 02203

Dear Editor:
I agree with Freyer's project.
Certainly, he used an usual way to comunicate with people and travel .
However,he just sold his belongings legally.
In this way, he and his costomer could be satisfied each other.
He could get money, his costomer could get stuffs they really wanted.
Also, he cherished a memory of his belongings.
He didn't waste his stuffs.
It would make many people who read his article think about the way to buy and sell stuffs again.
It could cause a great sensation.
For these reason, I agree with him.
I hope people like him would increace all over the world.

Sincerely yours,
Jun Miyazono

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Vaancouver is known as the most comfortable city all over the world.
I think that the weather, food , and atpmosphere make Canada most popular city.

First of all, the climate in Vancouver is very good for people who don't like too HOT or COLD weather. Generally , Canadian weather is very cold . However, Vancouver is not so cold even in winter. Also , In summer , we don't feel hot thanks to wind and little humidity compared to the other countries.

Second,we can eat many kind of dishes like Chinese,Korean,Japanese,Greek, and so on.Especially,Asian food is populay in the world. That's why many people can be satisfied with them.

Finally,atmosphere is great. Compared to big city like Tronto or next country US , it's very calm.People talk ,walk, and live calmly.It makes pople feel good.

For these reasons, I think that Vancouver is the best city all over the world.If the price of the goods decreased , it would more more better than now. But actually, it's impossible...

Monday, April 28, 2008

April 28
Dear Allan,

Hi. How are you doing?
I'm looking forward to seeing you. It is going to be exciting visit.
I can't wait...
You are still thinking about the time you come here alright?
I recommend you to come here in April. In Japan , Spring and Fall are comfortable to go out.
So Fall is also good. But especially, I suggest Spring . Becouse you can see cherry blossom.
It is very very beautiful. You can't miss it. Also you can eat and drink under the nice tree.
It must be going to be awesome time, is't it?
Besides, I want you to go to Fukuoka. It is the place I was born. It is really nice city.
You can go shopping, eat good food like Noodle and Mentaiko. They are really nice.
Finally , I recommend you to go to the Japanese school in your country.
If you did it , you could spend more more good time.

Your friend